For the working face passing through the empty roadway, due to the influence of the advance abutment pressure, the floor empty roadway will have the phenomenon of severe mine pressure and roof caving. In order to study the stress evolution law of the empty roadway with the mining distance, a numerical simulation model was established to analyze the stress evolution characteristics of the surrounding rock of the roadway and reveal the mechanism of the stress evolution of the floor empty roadway. It was concluded that①during the mining process of No. 2106 Face, there was a large advance abutment pressure in front of the working face, and the stress value was 30MPa~40MPa ; ②Under the influence of advance support, the maximum principal stress of the roadway was deflected, which led to the non-uniform failure of the floor roadway.
董 飞. 工作面回采过程中底板斜巷应力演化规律研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(11): 24-28,32..
Dong Fei. Study on stress evolution law of floor inclined roadway in mining process of working face. CCI, 2024, 47(11): 24-28,32..