张 华
河北省煤田地质勘查院,河北 邢台 054000
Study on The REEs in No. 9 Coal from Gequan Coal Mine
Zhang Hua
Hebei Provincial Coal Geological Exploration Institute, Xingtai, 054000, China
摘要 为了研究邢台矿区葛泉矿太原组9号煤中的稀土元素,采用电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)对其进行了测试,测试结果与华北C-P煤均值,表现为亏损,与中国煤、世界煤以及美国煤均值相比,表现为明显富集。煤样中∑REE范围为34.545~412.736 μg/g,平均含量为110.8 μg/g,轻重稀土含量对比表现为LREE明显富集,说明可能存在溶液态的稀土元素供给,分布呈“V”字型,说明其与华北晚古生代具有相似的沉积环境,在Eu处为“谷”,说明Eu为负异常,而在Ce处曲线为明显的高峰,说明Ce正异常,两种元素的异常都表明稀土元素与陆源岩关系密切,煤中稀土总量高于顶底板和夹矸中稀土总量,说明煤中有机相的稀土元素存在。
关键词 :
葛泉煤矿 ,
9号煤 ,
Abstract :The REEs of No. 9 coal from Gequan coal mine were studied by using ICP-MS, the result showed that it was a loss which compared with the c-p coal mean of north China, and they were obvious enrichments which compared with the mean of China coal, world coal and American coal. The ∑REE in the coal sample was 34.545 to 412.736 μg/g, and the average was 110.8 μg/g. The comparison of LREE and HREE showed that LREE was obviously enriched, indicating the possible supply of REE. The distribution showed a "V" shape, indicating that it had a similar sedimentary environment with the late Paleozoic in north China. In the Eu as a valley, which means the Eu was negative, and the Ce curve was the obvious peak, which meant that Ce was abnormal. The anomalies of both elements indicated that the REE were closely related to terrestrial rocks. The total amount of REEs in coal was higher than that in roof and floor and gangue, indicating the existence of REEs in organic phase in coal.
Key words :
Gequan Mine
No. 9 Coal
作者简介 : 张 华( 1985— ),女,山东临清人,工程师。
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