Abstract: In view of the difficulty of gas control in the stratified mining face of the high gassy thick coal seam in Changcun Mine, which restricted the safe and efficient mining of the working face, according to the difference of gas emission from the upper and lower layered working faces and the actual mining situation of the working face, the comprehensive gas control measures for the upper and lower layered working faces were proposed. Through the analysis of the field application results, after the comprehensive gas control measures were taken, the gas concentration of the upper and lower layered working faces during the mining period was kept below 0.3%, no gas overrun accident occurred during the mining of the working face.
杨胜江. 高瓦斯矿井分层开采工作面瓦斯综合治理技术[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(6): 125-127,131..
Yang Shengjiang. Technology of gas comprehensive control in high gassy stratified mining mine. CCI, 2024, 47(6): 125-127,131..