Abstract: In view of the shortage of underground ventilation air volume and the rapid increase of gas emission in Wajinwan Coal Industry, the method of sub-source dynamic prediction is used to predict and analyze the gas emission in Wajinwan Coal Industry. Through the determination of gas pressure, content and ventilation resistance, the underground gas condition is understood, the main source of gas in the working face is found, and the underground gas emission is predicted and analyzed. By formulating the technical scheme of gas drainage and underground ventilation, the gas extraction time and concentration are improved, the gas extraction rate is increased by 73%, and the gas concentration in the return air flow of the working face is ensured to be below 0.4%. The concentration at the upper corner and high hole of the mining face is maintained at 4% ~ 12%, which meets the requirements of safe and efficient production in coal mines.
张 健. 挖金湾煤业瓦斯治理技术应用研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(5): 126-129,133..
Zhang Jian. Application research on gas control technology in Wajinwan Coal Industry. CCI, 2024, 47(5): 126-129,133..