Abstract: The excavation process of No.20322 Face in Caojiatan Mine was taken as the engineering research background. Through on-site research and monitoring, the deformation and failure laws of the roof before and after the roof collapse and pressure accident occurred when the roadway crosses the small fault geological structure zone were monitored. Based on this, the influence characteristics of the roof strength and stiffness values on the roof collapse were studied through numerical simulation. Subsequently, the roof was controlled by adopting a support system consisting of three anchor cables and a steel bar composite ring beam, and the angles of the anchor cables on both sides of the roof were adjusted. The anchor cable truss system was formed through truss connectors to enhance the strength and stiffness values of the coal and rock masses inside the roof. Based on the actual geological conditions on site and theoretical calculations, the optimized support plan for the roof was determined. After on-site application, the overall integrity of the roof was good and the subsidence deformation control effect was significant during the roadway excavation through small fault structural zones. This laid the foundation for the safe and efficient mining of subsequent working faces.