Abstract: In this paper, by analyzing the phenomenon of roof breakage due to the influence of faults during the mining of No.22215 fully mechanized mining face in Zhenchengdi Mine, according to the actual situation of the working face, the technologies of grouting reinforcement and strengthening support in the roof fracture zone were put forward, and successfully applied to the working face, which controlled the deformation of surrounding rock and ensures the completion of normal production tasks. It provided a reference for the control of roof fracture zone in fully mechanized mining face crossing faults.
闫志杰. 注浆加固技术在综采工作面过断层顶板破碎带中的应用[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(6): 48-50.
Yan Zhijie. The application of grouting reinforcement technology in the fractured fault roof zone in fully mechanized mining face. CCI, 2023, 46(6): 48-50.