从煤层中金元素迁移富集的地球化学机理出发,分析影响煤中金元素分布的主要因素,并探讨金元素来源及其富集机理;通过添加固定剂研究煤灰化过程中金元素的固定机理,得到以下结论:煤级、有机质成份、煤间孔隙纳米效应以及矿物表面特性影响煤中金元素富集;地层中含矿地层含金性、峨眉山玄武岩含金性以及成矿流体为煤中提供物源成份。通过煤灰化金元素固定实验表明,固定剂CaCO3、MgO对金元素都能产生浓集影响,固定剂MgO富集作用好于固定剂CaCO3,加固定剂燃烧后样品中元素含量产生浓集效应( C >1 )比例达69.23%,且在13号与48号煤样中Au含量平均固定倍数为1.72。
From coal seam geochemical mechanism of element migration enrichment, the main factors affecting coal element distribution was analyzed, and enrichment of gold source element and its mechanism were discussed in this paper; by adding fixative research coal ash fixed mechanism of the process elements, and the following conclusion was got: the coal rank and the effects of organic matter composition, nano pores between coal and mineral surface properties influences coal element enrichment; ore stratum containing gold, Emei basalt gold and ore-forming fluid provide source components in coal. Coal ash gold element fixed experiments showed that the fixed dose of CaCO3, MgO style can concentration effects of gold element, better than fixative fixed dose of MgO style enrichment of CaCO3, plus fixed agent after burning a concentration effect element content in the sample (C > 1) 69.23%, and in the 13th and 48 Au content in the coal sample average fixed ratio of 1.72.
洪愿进. 贵州西南部晚二叠世煤及煤灰中金元素富集成矿及其固定特性研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2015, 38(10): 17-22.
HONG Yuan-jin. Study on Southwestern Guizhou Late Permian Coal and Coal Ash Element Enrichment and Fixed Characteristics. CCI, 2015, 38(10): 17-22.