Preparation of Ultra-fine nano-Alumina from Fly Ash
GUO Wen-xia1 ,WU Yong-jun2
1. Engineering Training Center of Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051,China; 2. State Assets Management Department of Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051,China
The process of extracting high purity ultra-fine nano-alumina power from high-alumina fly ash was studied. According to the study on the reaction process,reaction conditions and reaction course ,by roasting and leaching, the reasonable and efficient methods which are acid method and alkali method, for extracting alumina from fly ash were found, that is through high temperature calcination activation of fly ash, hydrochloric acid and alkali lime were selected as the dissolution agent. the appropriate conditions for dissolution were determined, by adding dispersant and controlling the reasonable roasting temperature, etc, finally ,ultr-fine nano-alumina was obtained.