Through the analysis of the original support mode of the driving face affected by the dynamic pressure of the goaf of Shanxi Xinjing Mine, the reason of the stress damage of the coal pillar and the reinforcement mechanism of the grouting anchor cable support mode were expounded. The grouting anchor cable construction technology was used to optimize the reinforcement scheme, and the different anchor cable support parameters of the roadway roof, the side of the coal pillar and the side of the solid coal were determined. The application results showed that the convergence of the two sides was reduced to 175.9 mm, and the convergence was reduced by 72.7%. The roof subsidence decreased to 77.66 mm, with a decrease of 79.3%. The measured values of the pull-out force test of the anchor cable exceeded the standard requirement of 150 kN, and the grouting anchor cable reinforcement scheme had achieved remarkable results.