The metabolic process of alcohol intake in the human body and its impact on human health were introduced, and the biomolecular mechanisms of alcohol metabolism were summarized. The research progress on the relieving hangover function of hydrogen gas was introduced and summarized, and the molecular biological mechanisms of hydrogen gas promoting alcohol metabolism were summarized. Existing studies have shown that the impact of alcohol intake on human health is directly related to its intake. A review of existing research on the relieving hangover effect of hydrogen has found that the human body's intake of hydrogen can improve its antioxidant system enzyme activity. Hydrogen has a certain sobering effect and has a certain protective effect on the liver.
闫 璐,宋 晨. 氢气解酒功能研究进展[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(11): 144-149.
Yan Lu, Song Chen. Research progress on the relieving hangover effect of hydrogen gas. CCI, 2024, 47(11): 144-149.
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