刘 硕1,刘 霞2,任 晴2
1. 陕西国防工业职业技术学院,陕西 西安 710300;2. 延长石油(集体)榆林炼油厂,陕西 榆林 718500
Effect of additives on coal ash melting characteristics
Liu Shuo1, Liu Xia2, Ren Qing2
1. Shaanxi Institute of Technology, Xi’an 710300, China; 2. Yanchang Petroleum Yulin Refinery, Yulin 718500, China
摘要 煤灰熔融性是制约德士古气化炉长周期安全运转的重要因素。通过研究添加煤矸石、残碳对宁东不粘煤灰熔融特性的影响来探究提高煤灰熔融温度的方法。结果表明,添加残碳可以提高煤灰熔融温度,但不同来源的残碳对煤灰熔融温度影响各异,添加残碳导致煤灰熔融温度升高的原因是有碳硅石生成;添加矸石不能有效提高煤灰熔融温度。
关键词 :
煤矸石 ,
残碳 ,
Abstract :Melting characteristic of coal ash is an important factor restricting the long-term safe operation of Texaco gasifier. The effects of coal gangue and residual carbon on the melting characteristics of Ningdong coal were studied. The results show that the addition of residual carbon can improve the ash melting temperature of coal, but the residual carbon of different sources have different influence on the melting temperature of coal ash. The reason for the increase of coal caused by the addition of residual carbon is the formation of moissanite ash melting temperature. At the same time adding gangue cannot improve coal ash melting temperature.
Key words :
coal gangue
residual carbon
coal ash melting characteristic
作者简介 : 刘 硕( 1990— ),男,陕西榆林人,讲师。
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