Occurrence Characteristics of Trace Element in No. 5 Coal Seam of Long South-east Area
MEI Li-si1, JIN Kan-kun1, 2
1. School of Resources, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China; 2. Key Lab of Resource Exploration Research of Hebei Province, Handan 056038, China
The coal samples in the No. 5 coal seam drilling in the Long South-East basin were analyzed with the methods of maceral analysis, proximate analysis and the analysis of the microelement were given. The results showed that there was close relation between Gallium and ash content. Gallium positively related to Al2 O3 and SiO2, were affected by terrigenous clast and major parts found in clay minerals. The arsenic increased with total sulfur , and mainly existed in the organic combination state. Phosphorus was given priority to with inorganic state, and was related with the total sulfur and arsenic content in coal
梅丽斯,金瞰昆. 陇东南地区5号煤中微量元素赋存特征[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2013, 36(6): 20-23,43.
MEI Li-si, JIN Kan-kun. Occurrence Characteristics of Trace Element in No. 5 Coal Seam of Long South-east Area. CCI, 2013, 36(6): 20-23,43.